Monday, April 7, 2008

Michael to the rescue

the wake up

the lift begins

the turn the wheelchair

and we're done!

In early April, Michael ( our hero pictured above) flew in from Denver to help me out with lifting Neavey as Keith recovered from a surgery. And by help out with... I mean "did all lifting" for a weekend so as to give my back a break. It was really nice to have some brute strength around after several days of doing all the lifts myself as Keith recuperated.
Although I refer mostly to Michael's brawn, he is one of Keith's oldest and dearest friends. I'll speak for Neavey and Keith...we loved having him join in on our Neavey life for a few days. He's quite a lovely person to chat and hang out with... Did I mention he officiated our wedding as well? So talented, that Michael!
Our friend Maritza, one of Neavey's surrogate "aunts/tias" (aka: Titi), stayed over for a bit as well and helped me with many a lift.


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