Sunday, May 31, 2009

Other May Moments

Bubble time is a fun weekend event. We have Neavey's former occupational therapist, Sue, to thank for this fabulous birthday gift.

Neavey during office hours. Neavey sits in a tumble form chair with a tumble form tray and pushes her blinking, vibrating and music playing (the trifecta of therapy toys!) therapy button toy.

Keith mastered the art of a half ponytail!

Grandpa Larry and Barbara sent this therapy tool. The blue snake vibrates and can be manipulated into different shapes and postitions for muscle stimulation.

Sometimes Neavey is just sooooo cute she can't help herself. And the big drippy drool just adds to the cute? I just brought her home from school here. She is hangin' out with me for a few minutes while I put away her lunch kit things.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Last session with Jennifer

In May Neavey's speech pathologist of the last few years moved to England. Yay for her...Booo and hiss for us. We will miss her!